Events at Iford

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PRAY Together

On the 2nd Wednesday of each month we gather at 6:30pm to pray for the locality, the nation, our mission partners and the needs of the world

LEARN Together

On the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month we have daytime and evening Home Groups where we explore the bible, current issues, share our stories an discuss how we can live as God’s people

          - Acting Justly; Loving Mercy; Walking Humbly

BE Together

Throughout the month we have various ways of spending time together - some of them are listed here

SUNDAY LUNCH - 1st Sunday of Feb/Apr/June/Oct/Dec. Good food and great conversation

Quiz Nights - a couple of times a year - always a fun event.

1st Tuesday - 2:00pm Chill & Chat - we have a varied programme for women. This includes, games afternoons, crafts, outings and refreshments.

3rd Tuesday - 10:30am Prayer & Share. A time of devotion, conversation and prayer for women.

MoMentum for Men - Big breakfasts - -second Saturday in Jan/ Mar/May/July/Sept/Nov.